A favorite past time for back yard barbecues, tailgateing, and now even weddings, these cornhole sets are fast becoming one of our most rented items!

Carefully detach the metal legs from the plastic clips on the underside of the boards.
Insert the legs into the holes at each corner of the board with the taller portion toward the back of the board (the end with the hole in it)
Flip the board over and repeat the above steps for the second board.
Game Play
Game Play is designed for two to four players.
Place the boards opposite each other. Regulation play dictates that boards should be placed 27 feet from each others bottom edge, or 33 feet from center hole to center hole.
Opponents stand next to each other on the same side. When four players are playing one member from each team stands at each board.
Players take turns tossing their bags from one end, starting with the player whose team scored last. Players must throw from behind the front of the board. Once each player on a side has thrown all four of their bags, score the round. Once scored the players on the opposite board take their tosses. Repeat until you have a winning team!
The Game is Played to 21 points.
Only one team scores per round, as bags cancel each other out. The maximum point in any given round is 12 (one team putting all four bags in the hole and the other team missing the board completely).
Bags completely on the board are worth one point. Bags in the hole are worth three points. Any bag that hits the ground prior to the board is considered a dead bag. If a bag that hits the ground prior to the board should come to rest on the board, it should be removed from play for that round. Bags that hit other bags are still in play and can be used to knock bags off the board or into the hole.
If Team 1 puts two bags in the hole and one on the board equaling 7 potential points, but team two has put four bags on the board, then Team 1 wins the round with only three points, as the four points from team 2 bags cancel out four point from team 1. (7-4=3)
* Our Base Rental Rate is intended as a jumping off point, to aid our clients as they work to design their perfect event. These rental rates are based on a single event for items picked up at one of our locations and do not include applicable sales tax, delivery/set-up fees, or discounts. We urge our clients to request a customized quote so that we may more accurately advise them as to any and all additional costs, fees, or discounts that may apply.Please Note: Some Items are not eligible for pickup